Grace is an attribute of Jesus.
The I Ching describes grace as: inside, the strength of simplicity and self-knowledge, outside, the beauty of acceptance and gentleness.
On 9 April 1792, the US House of Representatives couldn’t override President Washington’s veto, so they usurped a right of We the People.
On 9 April 2020, the usurped right to representation according to numbers effects all We the People.
If one uses sex, females are the most underrepresented in the House, composing 51 percent of We the People and only 23 percent representation.
If one uses economics, the middle and lower classes are the most underrepresented.
If one uses constitutionalism, representatives of We the People supporting President Washington and the thirty Thousand are the most underrepresented.
We are no longer a republic: this is tyranny.
End the representation usurpation to become a republic again.
*Next Up: Constitution Day 2020 with Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Berryvillin’.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner