“… He was also George’s brother.”
“Seems funny Reb.”
“George having brothers,” clarified Gus, “that just sounds odd.”
“They got along Yank.”
“Yeah ~ like how?”
“Thought the slaves would do that.”
“George and Sam liked to go fishing.”
“So if Sam was out by Winchester,” Gus pondered, “George was too.”
“He was: it’s where he got his start.”
“Young George starting out … just-like you and me Johnny.”
“Sort of.”
“Washington always seems a bit unreal.”
“It’s hard to imagine him young and doubtful and not …”

“Not George.”
“Right,” Gus continued, “his life, his existence, it depended on so many others.”
“And cannon.”
“Boomers Johnny.”
“Like Ticonderoga.”
“Henry Knox,” gushed Gus, “he was a ‘76er.”
“Knox helped George and the rebellion a lot.”
“He got those cannon moved from New York to Boston.”
“Cannon again.”
“Whatcha mean?”
“Oh,” offered Reb, “that’s what the British were looking for when they headed for Lexington and Concord.”
“They were looking for rebel cannon.”
“Then they were going to round up the free speakers.”
“Yes again.”
“Rebel thoughts ‘eh Johnny?”
“A new consciousness Yank.”
“One with no King.”
“So said Paine.”
“Who said ‘Join, or Die’ Reb?”
“Ben …”

“That’s a snake Gus.”
“Ben Franklin.”
“Why you slandering Ben Johnny?”
“No slander Gus; it was Franklin who coined the phrase ‘Join or Die’ and he used a snake to symbolize the colonies.”
“There was also the idea that if you cut up the snake, another piece would grow back.”
“Folk belief.”
“Hydra too.”
“Never heard of him.”
“A she Gus: a snake-like monster Hercules fought.”
“You know lots Reb.”
“Thanks Gus.”
“Shall we stretch our Nowhere limbs?”
“Let’s …”
*Next Up: The Union 2016 winter series continues Saturday 6 February with part 6, John Locke and Gus’ Name.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner