Why does our current president criticize our former president more than he does the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin?
We won’t try to answer that question today; instead we’ll focus on something more knowable: specifically, what Putin knows.
Putin knows offensive, so he knows of Sun Tzu and The Art of War.
Sun Tzu provides 33 proverbs for offensive strategy: the final three speak to knowledge of self and knowledge of other.
If you know self and other, you won’t be in peril.
If you know self or other, your chances of success are 50/50.
If ignorant of self and other, such people are “mad bandits” and certain to always be in peril.
Putin knows of the American usurpation, how We the People are not represented according to numbers (US Constitution: Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3). By knowing us better than we know ourselves – because we don’t acknowledge the usurpation, in print or deed – Putin has an advantage and we (the US) are in peril.
How to end the American peril?
Gather We the People.
*Next Up: Wednesday 5 July and a 2020: Jesus was poor and said a few things about being rich.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner