Plato says that Aspasia (a woman) taught Socrates the Socratic method.
Announcing Ew Publishing’s research pamphlet, Aspasia of Miletus: Socrates’ Didaskalos (Bryan W. Brickner, 2016).
From the conclusion: the primary sources utilized throughout this pamphlet have demonstrated both parts of the original thesis. In the first case, we have seen that Aspasia’s purported political influence only provided the Samians with a scapegoat, Pericles’ enemies with a target, and Aristophanes with material for his comedies. Regarding Aspasia’s rhetorical skills, we found that she not only had a keen intellect, but also that she utilized the maieutic method and was respected enough by Socrates that he had no difficulty in seeking her advice or in referring to her as his didaskalos.
*Next Up: Sunday 19 June and The Union series begins again with Gus Kotka and Johnny Reb Nowhere Juneteenth Square.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner