There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
“Hey Gus!”
“Hey Reb!”
“You good?”
“Sure,” Gus hesitated, “though what’s Mt Horeb?”
“The name of the cemetery.”
“What does it mean?”
“Mt Horeb is Mt Sinai.”
“Two names -?”
“- For two sides of the same mountain.”
“It’s God’s Mountain.”
“That’s the translation?”
“Moses got the commandments on Mt Sinai; what happened on the Mt Horeb side?”
“He went to God’s Mountain because he felt alone.”
“He heard he wasn’t alone, that -”
“- I am with you.”
“Yeah – something like that,” paused Johnny; “This approach work?”
“Whatcha’ see?”
“Twelve O’clock Goddess.”
“Me too.”
“What’s with the slab?”
“Shall we?”
“Let’s …”

“An old monument.”
“One worth saving.”
“Read it Gus.”
“Sure. Major General Daniel Mor …”
“Thanks – Major General Daniel Morgan departed this life on July the 6th 1802 In the 67th year of his Age – He preceded us Johnny.”
“Thunderbolt of the Revolution.”
“Right – Patriotism and Valor were the …”
“… Prominent Features of his Character And - ”

“General Morgan!”
“Drop the rank men: we’re all Sons here.”
“Yes sir,” said the Sons.
“What are you two doing?”
“Lurking around the other day,” said the Thunderbolt, “goddess skirmishing today – what’s going on?”
“We’re here to see you,” Reb offered.
“For what?”
“Reb said you were someone I should – a Virginian Revolutionary.”
“A Yankee Doodle Dandy Rebel.”
“Yes,” said the Sons.
“That is understood, yet the question remains: what are Gus Yank and Johnny Reb going to do?”
“Do?” asked the Sons.
“A True American -”
“Sir?” interrupted the Sons.
“Listen, time is short: a True American is one who lives the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”
Gus and Johnny were silent.
“You two need a sign, something Aesopic perhaps.”
“Okay,” said the Sons.
“Here then …”

“… What do you see Sons?”
“I see some things,” Gus answered.
“Me too,” Reb seconded.
“What do you see?” Thunderbolt furthered.
“Two animal heads.”
“Me too,” Gus echoed.
“What kind of animals?” Thunderbolt asked.
“Snake and Turkey.”
“Yeah, Snake and Turkey.”
“There’s your sign,” noted Thunderbolt.
“Where do we start?” asked the Sons.
“Winter – and start here …”

“Berryville!?” blurted Gus, “what’s this place?”
“Small town a little bit from Winchester.”
“What was that?”
“Big Spirit,” spoke Johnny.
“Big Spirit gave us a sign.”
“It did.”
“A Juneteenth Aesopic Snake and Turkey sign,” summed Gus, “and Thunderbolt said winter.”
“Guess we have some Virginia time Johnny …”
“Looks like it Gus …”
“Thanks for the spring time Reb!”
“Thanks for the spring time Yank!”
*The Union 2016 winter series begins 21 December 2015.
Ew Publishing has a couple of pamphlets and new science postings planned for the summer and fall.
Peace All.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner