Part I of XIII
“This it Reb?”
“Ferry Hill Yank.”
“Fancy place.”
“Henry Kyd Douglas had means.”
“It’s like we’re waiting for him.”
“Saddle up!”
“But who was Kyd?”
“Ask that of any of us Gus.”
“Did we hear the word sedition while in the Valley?”
“Insurrection too.”
“My laughing crow.”
“It’s not about me, Gus Kotka.”
“Say more.”
“Well …”

“… Is that Shepherdstown?”
“West Virginia.”
“Elmwood Cemetery.”
“Kyd’s buried there.”
“Reb, this Antietam thing.”
“Burnside helping Lee and Lee knowing Burnside was helping him.”
“It’s teaching us something about today.”
“Before we go to Washington.”
“Garland and the thirty Thousand.”
“Because there are modern Burnsides.”
“Where’s our flag?”
“This way …”

“… The Georgia Overlook.”
“Can’t see a thing Reb.”
“The bridge is at the top of the flag.”
“I see an arch.”
“Yanks ran across that field.”
“And you Rebs shot ‘em.”
“As quick as we could.”
“How’d you Georgians survive the artillery?”
“There was some.”
“Numbers don’t lie Gus.”
“People do Johnny.”
“Burnside was an artillery officer.”
“West Point.”
“These trees, this Maryland rock, shells exploding, ricocheting ...”
“I don’t understand Johnny.”
“Some things …”
Next Up: 26 March and part II of the series Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Somewhere: Overlooked.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner