Part 2 of 13
“… People don’t get their knowledge by books much anymore Yank.”
“Where do they get their learning?”
“I heard it called Tell-Lie-Vision.”
“Sounds not good.”
“That’s beside the point.”
“How so Reb?”
“Tell-Lie-Vision rules Gus.”
“Rules knowledge?”
“Pretty much.”
“What is it?”
“A thing people watch.”
“Hypnotic like fire.”
“Go on.”
“Well, if seeing is believing, then Tell-Lie-Vision is the seeing part.”
“So people see lies and believe them to be true.”
“What’s the problem Reb?”
“It tells lies.”
“The thirty Thousand, how is that a lie?”
“Tell-Lie-Vision doesn’t show it.”
“Because it’s Tell-Lie-Vision.”
“Circle Reb.”
“With squawking.”
“Who taught you about Tell-Lie-Vision Johnny?”
“Spirit-gent named Ra Chaka.”
“What kind of name is that?”
“I mean what’s it mean Reb?”
“Ra is Creator and Chaka is Warrior.”
“A Creator Warrior taught you about Tell-Lie-Vision?”
“Fine by me then Reb.”
“We can use it.”
“This way then Johnny.”
“Lil Man …”
*Next Up: 20 September and part 3 of Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Revisit Mount Horeb: Lil Man.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner