Happy Constitution Day 'Merica!
Part 1 of 13
“Yo Gus.”
“What you grinnin’ ‘bout?”
“Had fun.”
“Doing what?”
“So unlike you.”
“Funny Reb’s back.”
“Never left.”
“What have you been up to?”
“You first grinner.”
“Met-a-gent who challenged me Reb.”
“Spirit, you know, like us.”
“Go on.”
“He sauntered up to me like ‘poof’ and asks me a question.”
“What question?”
“The spirit-gent asked me, ‘How many races are there Yank?’”
“And you said?”
“Who are you?”
“What’d the gent say?”
“He said he was ‘Nobody,’ but he smirked Johnny, so I think he meant he was K-N-O-W body.”
“Knowbody, yes.”
“You know Knowbody?”
“We’ve met Gus.”
“Is Knowbody like us?”
“In its own way; what answer did you give Yank?”
“I said there was only one race, the human race.”
“Knowbody grinned.”
“Like you.”
“Maybe so.”
“Nice answer Gus.”
“How ‘bout you Johnny, been reading?”
“Well …”
*Next Up: 18 September and part 2 of Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Revisit Mount Horeb: Tell-Lie-Vision.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner