Part 10 of 13
“What do you make of this fork Reb?”
“Not much.”
“Which way is our way?”
“Both Gus.”
“Are we splitting up?”
“Well two paths and two of us?”
“We’re staying together Gus.”
“Either path leads to where we’re going.”
“Constitutional representation.”
“Of We the People.”
“According to our numbers.”
“Thirty Thousand.”
“You got it Gus.”
“Which way though, you know, to Berryville?”
“Let’s move up and take a closer look.”
“Alright Reb.”

“Still a fork and a question.”
“Both work Yank.”
“New what.”
“Nuance – it means subtle difference.”
“So both ways lead to the same place.”
“What is the nuance then?”
“Who is going to talk first?”
“About the usurpation?”
“So the fork isn’t about you and me Reb.”
“No Gus.”
“Well let’s move forward and look.”

“Who is the fork for Johnny?”
“You got it Yank.”
“Usurpers took our birthright, didn’t they Johnny.”
“They did.”
“Our very American birthright to constitutional representation.”
“Uniquely American Gus.”
“According to our numbers.”
“The birthright of We the People.”
*Next Up: 5 March and part 11 of Republican Values: Gus Kotka and Johnny Reb On Our Way Birthright.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner