War Cry Heal Union
The summer series finale (10 of 10)
Honoring Constitution Day 2014 and 1862
“Hey Gus.”
“Hey Reb.”
“Our Once Upon A Time chat got interrupted yesterday …”
“Darn Squeak.”
“… Right,” continued Reb, “and welcome to Somewhere.”
“I’d say it’s nice like Nowhere,” Gus observed, “– and thistles too.”
“It wasn’t always this nice.”
“So where is Somewhere Reb?”
“No shi-kiddding?”
“No kidding.”
“So, the Dandies of Harlem Heights.”
“I figure,” Gus began, “you wanted me to see the problem.”
“What problem is that?”
“The problem of who got me shot,” Gus stated, “so you brought me the story of the battle through the eyes of the Yankee Doodle Dandies.”
“American Rebels.”
“And to show me the similarities between Leitch and the other soldier, the one killed on the field.”
“Thomas Knowlton.
“Yeah him: I remember Leitch died thirteen days later ~ sort of one day for each Stripe.”
“Nice reckoning.”
“So where we at on Antietam?”
“An orientation perhaps?”
“Great ... and is it Constitution Day in Somewhere, I mean Antietam, too?”
“Eternally Gus …”

“You were here Johnny.”
“Yeah,” Reb panned, “the question is where were you in September 1862?”
“South Bend Indiana.”
“Indiana ‘eh.”
“Right, the 99th Volunteers were mustered into the US Army …” Gus paused: “I volunteered after …”
“After what?” Reb asked.
“… Antietam is the culmination of Robert E. Lee’s Maryland Campaign.”
“You volunteered in August 1862, right?”
“Did: the 99th was mustered into service 21 August 1862,” affirmed Gus and added, “- I see your suggestion Johnny.”
“Still need that orientation Yank?”
“Not really.”
“Whatcha’ thinking?”
“All these citizens Reb … their lives for what?”
“The bloodiest day in our heritage.”
“There’s something else, isn’t there?”
“Generally …”
“The Potomac’s near.”
“Can we go there?” asked Gus.
“For a moment …”
“… Here it is.” “Big.” “Not so big …” “No, the thing across it?” “Bridge Yank.” “Monster of a Bridge.” “Yeah.” “Is that Virginia?” wondered Gus. "It is." “So much talk about it ~ seems like a place to go.” “Say more ..." “Crossing a river is symbolic.” “It’s been said so.” “Can we …” “Visit Virginia,” Reb pondered, “like maybe next year?” “I’m available ~ you?” “Think so.” “Summer again Reb?” “Feels like Spring.” “Great.” “It's Time to go Gus.” “You hear something?” “No ... just Time.” “Thanks Reb.” “Thanks Gus.” |

*In October, look for Ew Publishing’s mini-series, Whiskey 220: The Rebellion. Hosted on the BWB Blog, Whiskey 220 honors the successful conclusion to a domestic insurrection 220 years ago; it does so by highlighting President George Washington’s personal notes while traveling to inspect the State militias: the series includes a meeting with Virginia’s Governor Henry Lee III. Whiskey 220 begins Saturday, 11 October.
Thanks All!
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner
Johnny Cash sings Civil War songs