Part 8 of 13
“The Good Gus.”
“Isn’t that a feeling Reb?”
“Plato doesn’t like feelings.”
“He liked The Good.”
“I suppose Gladys and Spoon liked The Good too Reb.”
“Spirited people for sure.”
“Feelings they had.”
“Of course Yank.”
“Plato must have defined this Good.”
“He tried.”
“Got a quote?”
“Let’s hear it.”
“One on Goodness Gus.”
“Here goes: ‘The summit of the intelligible world is reached in philosophic discussion by one who aspires, through the discourse of reason unaided by any of the senses, to make his way in every case to the essential reality and perseveres until he has grasped by pure intelligence the very nature of Goodness itself. This journey is what we call Dialectic.’”
“That’s Plato?”
“From The Republic.”
“That’s us Reb.”
“‘Through discourse of reason unaided by any of the senses.’”
“That does sound like us Gus.”
“That’s why it’s us Johnny.”
“We’re alive via our death.”
“And discoursing unaided by any of our senses.”
“I hear you Gus – a thing unaided by any sense would be dead.”
“So this senseless journey Plato called Dialectic?”
“Was Plato talking about the dead?”
“He meant the living.”
“Plato posited humans that don’t feel while journeying?”
“That would be a Journey of the Dead.”
“Nice Gus.”
“Humans are truly senseless when dead Johnny.”
“One can’t think without sensing.”
“One can’t speak without sensing.”
“True again.”
“Or act without sensing.”
“I see why Plato’s Republic didn’t work.”
“No Freedom and Senseless Humans (The Dead) in control.”
“Quite a republic.”
“We bring Plato to life Reb.”
“’Cuz we aspire Gus.”
“We do.”
“And persevere.”
“And we discuss.”
“Talking is what we do best.”
“Well let’s discuss the ending of Plato’s Republic before we go.”
“Sun’s setting.”
“How does it end Johnny?”
“With Er.”
“With her?”
*Next Up: 19 February and part 9 of Republican Values: Gus Kotka and Johnny Reb On Our Way Er.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner