Summer Finale
“Wanna turn and run?”
“Just kidding Yank.”
“Further Johnny, as going on is what we’re about.”
“Sure is.”
“We gonna fly to Virginia or walk?”
“Can’t just fly into flying sometimes.”
“This is the On Our Way path.”
“On Our Way where?”

“Where else.”
“On Our Way goes by Lee and Gladys -”
“- Our O‘Jays day.”
“I remember. Anywhere else?”

“Somewhere Gus.”
“Then Virginia.”
“West Virginia too.”
“Well let’s step then.”
“Into the breach.”
“And On Our Way.”
Happy Constitution Day 'Merica!
The next Gus Kotka and Johnny Reb series will begin 21 December: On Our Way Republican Values.
*Next Up: Saturday 24 September and a 2020: Yale University, Chicago Tribune and the Sowers of Constitutional Sepsis.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner