“Whoa Reb!”
“Virginia’s down.”
“I see that.”
“We should put the flag up.”
“Someone should.”
“No, not us.”
“Let’s give a human a chance.”
“Let a human do it you mean?”
“Who are these two?”
“Many things really.”
“There’s no battle flag, like the others: was he a Johnny?”
“He was a Johnny … and also a Confederate.”
“Why no flags?”
“Bit of a mystery.”
“There’s another flag too.”
“I see that Yank.”
“One flag down, two missing and another backgrounding.”
“Plays like a riddle.”

“They lived a long life: what did they do Reb?”
“I’ll tell a quick version and then we’ll move on.”
“Characterize Johnny.”
“See when they were born?”
“So in 1855 and ’65 …”
“… They were a pair of 40 and then 50 year olds.”
“Alexander represented Virginia in the US House of Representatives.”
“US Rep? – When?”
“One term, 1859 to ‘61.”
“John Brown happened around here and then.”
“And Lincoln was elected in 1860.”
“Alexander: what did he do next?”
“Enlisted, was commissioned, and assigned to General Jackson’s staff.”
“That was fast.”
“Didn’t last long.”
“Alexander switched back to politics; he represented Virginia in the Confederate Provisional Congress and then again in the Confederate States House of Representatives.”
“After the war, he came back too.”
“US Pardon Clerk.”
“Mysteries abounding Johnny.”
“This way to the next one.”
“With ya …”

“… To another young Reb.”
“Another member of Jackson’s staff too.”
“Who’s the Kyd?”
“Remember Ferry Hill Yank?”
“Fairy Hill, of course.”
“Kyd grew-up there, in Maryland.”
“What did he do there?”
“Road the ferries some I imagine.”
“Road the Fairies?”
“Back-and-forth, that and farming.”
“Fairies worked the farm?”
“Moved goods Gus – and you know about ferries.”
“Why so sure Johnny?”
“You were a Yank for three years.”
“All Yanks know ferries.”
“Then all Rebs know Fairies.”
“What was the point?”
“Kyd grew-up across the Potomac, in Maryland –”
“– And he’s buried in West Virginia.”
“Henry Kyd Douglas, as far as I know, is the most complicated Johnny Reb there is.”
“Is not was?”
“Kyd’s still a mystery.”
“How so?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Not here Gus.”
“Sure … ready when you are.”
“Thanks … Ready.”
“After you Reb.”
“This way …”
*Next Up: Sunday 24 December and the Thereat finale (part XIII), Gus Kotka and Johnny Reb On Our Way Somewhere.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner