Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s,
And unto God the things that are God’s.
Give Caesar Caesar’s things, Jesus of Nazareth said.
The US Constitution is our modern metaphor for Caesar, temporal power.
When Caesar isn’t rendering (giving) what is the law, and instead diligently reigns via usurpation by ignoring the representation ratio, one Representative for every thirty Thousand people, and the 7th Amendment with its twenty dollar justice clause, then what are Caesar’s things?
Certainly, constitutional law, our Caesar and temporal power, is legitimated when followed (see John Locke); just as certainly, it is delegitimated when ignored (see current polity).
We the People matter.
Next Up: The Union 2016 summer series continues on Sunday 17 July with part 5, Johnny Reb and Gus Kotka Nowhere Feather Birds.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner