Nine truths in honor of the truth that is Usurpation Day, 9 April 1792.
Usurpation: America’s We the People Represented According to Numbers Law is a Tool for Conviviality3/6/2023 A 1973 book, Tools for Conviviality by Ivan Illich, argues our dream was to build machines to replace slaves, and instead we have become enslaved to machines. “To formulate a theory about a future society both very modern and not dominated by industry, it will be necessary to recognize natural scales and limits. We must come to admit that only within limits can machines take the place of slaves; beyond these limits they lead to a new kind of serfdom. Only within limits can education fit people into a manmade environment: beyond these limits lies the universal schoolhouse, hospital ward, or prison.” (xii) Fifty years on and Illich is still apt. “The foreseeable catastrophe will be a true crisis – that is, the occasion for a choice – only if at the moment it strikes the necessary social demands can be effectively expressed. They must be represented by people who can demonstrate that the breakdown of the current industrial illusion is for them a condition for choosing an effective and convivial mode of production. The preparation of such groups is the key task of new politics at the present moment.” (114, bold added) Illich argues the available convivial tool: “can only be the formal structure of politics and law.” (115) Our foreseeable catastrophe is the true crisis of We the People not being represented according to numbers. Our politics is the usurpation and its supporters. Our law is Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the US Constitution … and its supporters. The choice is between usurpation, which is the law of rule, and the US Constitution, which is the rule of law. Choose. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner Part XIII of XIII “… Here Yank?” “Thanks Reb, I just …” “Felt it too Gus.” “I want to judge Benjamin Berry.” “We must.” “Then who judges us?” “The present.” “We didn’t treat women right Johnny.” “We laughed when the idea of women voting was mentioned.” “Derision.” “Think of the flag here Gus, and how I once saw it.” “Enemy.” “And now?” “Friend.” “How’s that possible?” “A higher value.” “We the People.” “We the People.” “Represented according to numbers.” “Our thirty Thousand.” “Some southerners moved away, to places like Illinois and Indiana, to get away from slavery.” “Burnside Johnny, his father, after the Revolution, moved from South Carolina to Liberty Indiana.” “Telling.” “Speaking of telling …” “… Arnold Burnside reminded me of our Somewhere unfinished business.” “Ambrose.” “Arnold to me.” “Your laughing crow.” “And Morgan said to start in Berryville.” “We have started.” “Now to finish.” “Correct.” “I think that means we go see the smudge.” “I think so too Yank.” “From here let’s poof over to Somewhere first, and then to DC.” “I have a starting Somewhere place in mind.” “Can we slow-poof it to Somewhere?” “You want to walk through the Valley?” “The Shenandoah Valley Reb.” “Right on.” “Walk-off some of this Berryvillin’.” “I like it.” “Let’s go to Harper’s Ferry.” “And up to Shepherdstown from Halltown.” “A.P. Hill’s march.” “Then we’ll cross the Potomac Yank.” “Garland?” “On board seems.” “Oh my Johnny ~ thanks for the Berryville time.” “Berryvillin’ ~ thanks Gus.” Next Up: 22 March 2022 and part one of the series Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Somewhere: Georgia Overlook. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner Part X of XIII “… Happy Constitution Day Yank.” “Smudge Day Johnny.” “Yupper.” “Tell the story again, about how George had the founders put a smudge on the Constitution.” “I thought you might ask Gus.” “Oh?” “Yes.” “So you have something prepared?” “Let me present, Constitution Day 1787.” “Let’s go Reb.” “Nowhere to go Yank, as we can story-tell right here.” “Okay.” “Conjure and imagine, if you will, the interior of … INDEPENDENCE HALL, PHILADELPHIA PA – DAY 17 SEP 1787 GEORGE WASHINGTON (55) is chairing the Constitutional Convention and it is the last day, signing day, 17 September 1787. The hall is full of founders, such as ALEXANDER HAMILTON (30), JAMES MADISON (36), and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (81); they are all gathered to conclude the convention and begin their journeys home. The (almost) completed Constitution is read aloud as well as a speech written by Franklin. WE HEAR the MURMUR of restive and attentive voices as NATHANIAL GORHAM (49), someone known to all in the room, rises to speak; he is a Massachusetts delegate, Chairman of the Whole during the convention, and Washington acknowledges him from the podium. WASHINGTON I see Nathanial, the honorable Mr. Gorham, would like to speak. GORHAM Gentlemen, if it is not too late, I would like that the clause declaring, 'the number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every forty Thousand,' be reconsidered. WASHINGTON You mean the representation clause. GORHAM Yes, and since it produced so much discussion, perhaps we should reconsider it. WASHINGTON Your proposal? GORHAM For a greater representation of the people, I propose we strike out 'forty' Thousand and insert 'thirty' Thousand. HAMILTON Agreed! FRANKLIN Yes! Madison nods agreement. WASHINGTON (pauses) Although my situation has hitherto restrained me from offering sentiments on questions before the convention, and perhaps ought to now – LAUGHTER. I can’t forbear expressing my wish that the change proposed might take place. HAMILTON Say more. WASHINGTON It is much desired that the objections to the plan recommended might be as few as possible, and the smallness of the proportion of Representatives was considered by many members of the Convention, an insufficient security for the rights and interests of the people. FRANKLIN Yes. WASHINGTON The representation ratio had always seemed to me to be the exceptionable part of the plan, and late as the present moment was for admitting amendments, I believe it of so much consequence that it would give much satisfaction to see it adopted. The founders then vote and the change is unanimously accepted. Madison and a clerk make the edit to the Constitution by altering the word 'forty' into 'thirty,' and in doing so leave a smudge.” “Thanks for The Story of Smudge Day Johnny.” “You’re welcome.” “What’s the word on the usurpers and the surrender?” “Merrick Garland.” “Who’s that?” “The Attorney General for We the People.” “Word is?” “We’ve asked for support.” “I like it.” “Also, there’s some news about Sarah.” “Berry?” “Right, …” Next Up: 1 October and part XI of the series Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Berryvillin’: Sarah. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner Part VIII of XIII “… Here’s a part of me: Kennedy Grogan, C.S.A.” “In memory of.” “Killed at Greenland Gap, West Virginia.” “Where’s that Johnny?” “About a hundred miles west.” “Grogan was killed April 25th, 1863.” “Aged 20 years.” “There’s no date of birth.” “Might have been his birthday.” “The day a Yank …” “Right.” “How’d we get here Johnny?” “What do you mean?” “Where ‘Mericans like me are killing ‘Mericans like Grogan.” “Calhoun.” “Where’d Calhoun learn usurpin’?” “Yale.” “A Northern connection.” “Still.” “What do you know about Greenland Gap?” “Yanks heard us Rebs were on the move, so they guarded the mountain gaps.” “Grogan?” “Why you being so formal?” “Kenny then.” “Kenny was riding with about fifteen hundred Confederate cavalry.” “How many Yanks held the gap?” “Around ninety.” “Ninety?” “Yank infantry fortified a few houses and a two-story, made of oak timbers, German church.” “Turned it into a fort.” “We assaulted the church after nightfall.” “Kenny?” “His unit, the 35th, was part of the assault.” “Kenny was killed assaulting a fortified church?” “Looks like.” “Hear them crows?” “Do.” “The assault?” “With the church aflame, and out of ammunition, the Yanks surrendered.” “Who were the Yanks?” “Illinois Irish and Virginians who supported the Union.” “Grogan is Irish.” “Yes.” “Irish killing Irish and Virginians killing Virginians.” “Correct.” “Got to keep my sense of humor Johnny.” “We were mad at the surrendered Yanks.” “What happened?” “It was becoming a scene until Grumble Jones showed up and put a stop to it.” “Grumble?” “The general in charge, a nickname.” “Grumble said?” “They fought like brave men and did their duty. They shall have honorable treatment.” “Let’s step Johnny.” “Sure …” Next Up: 21 August and part IX of the series Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Berryvillin’: Obelisks and Things. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner Part VII of XIII “… Something is happening Gus.” “Tell me more Reb.” “There doesn’t appear to be any resistance.” “No one will defend the 435.” “Correct.” “Have the usurpers surrendered to the Constitution?” “No.” “I remember that feeling.” “What do you remember?” “Well, as Gus Kotka, I didn’t know about the thirty Thousand.” “Right.” “But as Gus Yank, well lots of Yanks knew, just like Jefferson Davis knew.” “I hear ya.” “Since we didn’t surrender to the Constitution until later …” “… It makes sense they are feeling what we felt.” “What would George say?” “Political theory: George would ask Madison.” “James would say?” “Build a coalition of the constitutionally willing.” “Sounds like us Reb.” “Madison said there is a peculiarity in the Constitution.” “What peculiarity?” “With the Senate designed to represent states, and the House population, the peculiarity is that the largest populated states will align against the smallest concerning representation.” “California vs. Delaware you’re saying Reb.” “Texas vs. Rhode Island.” “I understand.” “That’s what’s happening Yank.” “The formation of a coalition of the constitutionally willing.” “In support of constitutional representation and the Seventh Amendment.” “America’s been doing We the People wrong for 230 years.” “Time to do We the People right.” “Let’s visit a Reb.” “Over here Yank, and up close …” Next Up: 21 July and part VIII of the series Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Berryvillin’: Greenland Gap. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner Part IV of XIII “… I’ll wait.” “Wait’s over Yank.” “You mean today’s the day?” “Yes.” “Did Tell-Lie-Vision show it Johnny?” “Tell-Lie-Vision showed the consequences of the representation usurpation.” “But no George Washington’s thirty Thousand?” “Correct.” “Then what happened?” “The Speaker of the House has been contacted.” “About the thirty Thousand?” “Yes.” “And?” “Let’s give it a bit.” “So you’re saying let’s wait to see what the Speaker says?” “Yes.” “What should we do in the meantime?” “Grace.” “Let’s go ~ touching elbows Reb.” “Touching elbows Yank …” Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Peace to the United States of America. The US Constitution, in Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3, guarantees We the People representation in the House of Representatives at the ratio of one for every thirty Thousand: this is not what happens. This representation usurpation is unconstitutional, against the expressed wish of George Washington, and undermines We the People. Please address this issue with the power of the Speaker’s office and your spirit of perseverance. A citizen, Bryan W. Brickner Next Up: Usurpation Day 2021 and part V of the series Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Berryvillin’: Grace. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner Part I of XIII “Yank?” “Here Johnny.” “Happy Constitution Day.” “Again already?” “Yup.” “Happy Constitution Day Johnny.” “Where’ve you been?” “Remember that gentleman singing ‘Get Up, Stand Up’?” “Stand up for your rights.” “I’ve been with him.” “You’ve been hanging with Bob Marley?” “Bob, yeah.” “What’d you two do?” “He had smoke.” “You smoked with Marley?” “Quite a bit actually.” “How was the smoke?” “Sweet.” “Sweet?” “He said it was Jamaican.” “Sweet indeed.” “I thought so too.” “How much did you smoke?” “He had a bag.” “Gus … it’s been nearly a year.” “Amazingly Johnny, the bag never went empty.” “Eternally full?” “Overflowing even.” “Did you and Marley talk?” “Lots – Bob was generous in conversation too.” “About?” “I talked about our times, up ‘til August of ’64 … and I explained you and me and what we’re up to, the thirty Thousand and all.” “What did Marley talk of?” “The 1960s mostly, and Jah.” “What’d ya think?” “I made mention that it sounded like the 1960s could have used George Washington and the thirty Thousand.” “They didn’t know about that spirit.” “That’s what Bob said.” “People now know.” “That’s what I said.” “What else?” “Bob said he lived into his thirties like me.” “True.” “You go Johnny: what’ve you been up to?” “Thinking about what Knowbody said.” “Do tell Reb …” *Next Up: 24 October and part II of the series Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Berryvillin’: Knowbody. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner Grace is an attribute of Jesus. The I Ching describes grace as: inside, the strength of simplicity and self-knowledge, outside, the beauty of acceptance and gentleness. On 9 April 1792, the US House of Representatives couldn’t override President Washington’s veto, so they usurped a right of We the People. On 9 April 2020, the usurped right to representation according to numbers effects all We the People. If one uses sex, females are the most underrepresented in the House, composing 51 percent of We the People and only 23 percent representation. If one uses economics, the middle and lower classes are the most underrepresented. If one uses constitutionalism, representatives of We the People supporting President Washington and the thirty Thousand are the most underrepresented. We are no longer a republic: this is tyranny. End the representation usurpation to become a republic again. *Next Up: Constitution Day 2020 with Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Berryvillin’. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner Jesus of Nazareth, son of Marium, was a liberal. Noah (Nuh) was a conservative, someone who said thou has strayed and chastisement will follow. George Washington was a liberal. So here We the People are: Jesus and George, our guiding liberal spirits for a blessed and constitutional 2020. *Next Up: Usurpation Day. Posted by Bryan W. Brickner |
AuthorBrickner has a 1997 political science doctorate from Purdue University, cofounded Illinois NORML in 2001, and was a 2007 National NORML Cannabis Advocate Awardee. He is also publisher and coauthor of the 2011 book banned by the Illinois Department of Corrections – The Cannabis Papers: A Citizen’s Guide to Cannabinoids. Archives
November 2019