Eagles lay eggs
The US Constitution is an egg-layer.
Two hundred and twenty-eight years ago, on 17 September 1787, our egg-laying Republic was first laid. The founders signed the Constitution and sent it to the thirteen independent states for ratification; once ratified by nine states (the other four also concurred) the egg was hatched and a new government, the US Republic, was a hatchling.
There is nothing like this American egg – and that’s not just talk. As citizens of this republic, We the People were gifted a system that lays a new egg every ten years: the US Census. The reason for a census, what the US Constitution refers to as the enumeration, is to count the people of each state and create (lay) a new egg: representation in the US House of Representatives, a nest for We the People.
The last egg, the 2010 enumeration, is in incubation: the current Congress ignores its duty to the egg. No worries though as our bird is patient; sooner or later We the People will do the math and hatch the eagle’s egg. What we are in now is called a brooding phase, originally meaning, “to nurse (feelings) in the mind.”
Brood our Constitution America ~ and imagine a new eaglet if you will.
*Next Up: A Serotonin Autumnal Equinox Update on Wednesday the 23rd and a Jonathan Magbie Cannabinoid Science Remembrance on Thursday the 24th.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner