12 of 13
“… An order was ‘lost’ Yank.”
“When Lee moved the Army of Northern Virginia from Frederick, orders were issued.”
“Standard Reb.”
“There was an extra copy made.”
“Not standard Johnny.”
“It got wrapped with three cigars.”
“Is there a Valkyrie in this story?”
“Union soldiers found the cigars and orders.”
“I heard of this around here Reb: The Lost Special Orders, No. 191.”
“So-called lost.”
“One doesn’t just lose a copy of special orders.”
“Takes a someone or someones to do that.”
“Go on.”
“It looks like Kyd was involved in leaving the orders to be found.”
“That’s quite a charge to make.”
“The evidence bears the suggestion.”
“You believe so Johnny?”
“That’s the issue Gus: Kyd had opportunity.”
“The orders showed Lee had divided his forces.”
“Finding the orders changed events.”
“Yes, though Lee had lost the initiative before the orders were found.”
“The Union moved to Frederick quicker than Lee expected.”
“And the Union finding the ‘misplaced’ orders compounded Lee’s problem.”
“Pretty well said Yank.”
“The orders were placed Gus, left to be found, not lost.”
“Left by Kyd?”
“Kyd was involved Yank …”
Next Up: The summer series finale (Part 13) on 11 August, Gus Yank and Johnny Reb Somewhere On Our Way: Republic.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner