13 of 13
“… It looks like Kyd ‘lost’ the orders so they could be found.”
“Reb … that would have been treason against the Confederacy.”
“And for the Republic, what word would you use?”
“I don’t know.”
“Me either Gus.”
“The special orders Johnny, they told the disposition of Confederate forces.”
“The Union knew Lee had divided his army.”
“Lee divided in order to capture Harpers Ferry.”
“Advantage Union.”
“Lee thought the garrison at Harpers Ferry would run.”
“They didn’t.”
“They were ordered not to surrender, and, haphazardly, reinforced.”
“How Johnny?”
“The way time can. Lee could have marched on Harpers Ferry and made them run when he was at Leesburg on 4 September; at that time, we was only about 20 miles from the Ferry and then we could have turned north to Frederick.”
“The Yanks in Winchester and Martinsburg didn’t run for safety like Lee predicted: instead, they ended up at Harpers Ferry.”
“The delay in not taking the Ferry allowed you Yanks to double the size of the garrison, from say about 6,000 to 12,000.”
“Lot more Yanks Reb.”
“Sure was.”
“That’s why Lee divided his army at Frederick.”
“Those Yanks were a threat to our flank.”
“Because of the Shenandoah Valley.”
“Motive Reb?”
“Why’d Kyd do it Gus?”
“If it was Kyd, what was his reasoning?”
“Maybe save the likes of you.”
“Stop the war before you got in it.”
“By ‘losing’ the special orders.”
“The victory strings Yank.”
“What about them?”
“Some victories had strings attached to them; they came at the expense of what you referred to as treason.”
“Treason against the Republic?”
“Which would be support for the Anti-Republic.”
“You’re saying that’s what Kyd knew.”
“He knew.”
“Who did the treasonous acts Johnny?”
“Because of Kyd Gus, I won’t show you just one example, I’ll tell you about two generals that were Anti-Republic Yanks.”
“Generals Johnny?”
“Will I know them?”
“Their first names are ‘Ambrose’ and ‘George.’”
“Reb … you mean …”
*Next Up: Saturday, 1 September and a new pamphlet release, A Dissenting Opinion from Johnny Reb and Gus Yank about Ambrose Burnside.
Thank you! Posted by Bryan W. Brickner