11 of 13
“… And let’s talk about Kyd.”
“I hear music sometimes Reb.”
“Thanks for the Valkyrie explanation.”
“Did you see her wings?”
“Seeing her … you know …”
“That was probably planned.”
“… If the plan was to stun me, it worked.”
“Up to that point, you had the drop on me and the other Johnny.”
“Once you fired, she started from behind the bullet and overtook it.”
“It hit.”
“I just remember jawing with you about ‘Who got me killed?’”
“Kyd time.”
“Go J.”
“I want to use you Yank to talk about him.”
“Go for it.”
“Lincoln asked for volunteers in 1862 after a string of Confederate victories in Virginia.”
“Augustus Kotka, citizen from Valparaiso Indiana –
“- Volunteered.”
“While you were volunteering that September, Kyd was on Jackson’s staff.”
“There’s more to the string of victories than I can say now.”
“Kyd would have known what I know is my point.”
“So Kyd had things on his mind, maybe knew things about Lee and Jackson and 1862, that others didn’t know.”
“Being a young staff officer, that’s like being a private.”
“Carry weight.”
“Kyd? Did he carry weight?”
“To the right of the sunrise, maybe ten miles, is South Mountain.”
“Interesting name.”
“Beyond that, less than 20 miles, is Frederick Maryland.”
“What happened there?”
“We rested there for three days after crossing the Potomac and leaving Virginia.”
“Everyone heard of that crossing.”
“What’s the problem Reb?”
“Orders were …”
Next Up: Part 12 on 9 August of the summer series Gus Yank and Johnny Reb Somewhere On Our Way: Kyd.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner