Part X of XIII
“… Seems to not refuse his left Johnny.”
“Did the same thing at South Mountain.”
“That was 14 September.”
“Left his left in the air Yank.”
“Easy fencer move to do.”
“Furthermore, on 16 September, Burnside doesn’t recon Mill Road.”
“What’s that mean Johnny?”
“It’s the first main road off of Rohrersville.”
“Leads to a mill.”
“And Harper’s Ferry Road.”
“You Rebs could have come from Harper’s Ferry via the Harper’s Ferry Road.”
“Two did.”
“Two who?”
“General Jeb Stuart and an aide.”
“From Harper’s Ferry to Sharpsburg?”
“Took a little over an hour at a gallop.”
“One o’clock, 15 September.”
“Someone crossing the bridge Reb.”
“Let’s step aside.”
“Sure …”
Next Up: 14 April and part XI of the series Johnny Reb and Gus Yank Somewhere: Aside.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner