A citizen ponders page turning and The State of the Union
Hmmm … The State of the Union, and there’s talk of page turning: turning what page? Must be the US Constitution, as they gather because it says so.
Yes, the Preamble is nice. States the goals and objectives, with John Bunyan-like capitalization. We the People, in Order to form a more perfect Union (sounds like marriage), establish Justice (nice), insure domestic Tranquility … Well, that’s a 2016 political, being domestic and all; let’s turn the page and see what it says about representing We the People in Congress …

Well, that explains it, this must be the page they’re turning to; the founder Madison’s way, the way of Enumerated Representation, is America’s constitutional blueprint. Looks like we are to build America a new home, founded on the ratio “thirty Thousand,” a House where We the People are legally counted and represented.
How’s this story end? Let’s turn to the last page …

Well, what do we have here? A quote from Ben Franklin and – oh, an index line showing “Women, see Persons” – that’s good to know.
What’s Ben up to? When asked what kind of government they had “wrought,” he provided an eternal answer: “ … a Republic, if you can keep it.”
Hmmm … yes, a Republic, one built on small districts and represented in a large House, like Madison and the founders intended; sounds like a home for We the People (all Persons, Women included) is an American birthright.
Thanks for the page turning all ~ and thanks for the US Republic.
Today's video: Our American Republic, Episode 5: Republic
Next up: Tomorrow, in honor and memory of the Holocaust and the Liberation of Auschwitz on 27 January 1945, Ew Publishing will announce the release of a new booklet, Shivitti: A Review of Ka-Tzetnik 135633’s Vision, a prisoner’s story of LSD-serotonin therapy and healing from Auschwitz nightmares.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner