Part 4 of 13
“To do what Reb?”
“Think, Speak and Act.”
“High qualities this Freedom.”
“The highest.”
“You just making this up Johnny?”
“Freedom’s real Yank and from our times.”
“The woman atop the Capitol?”
“I helped make her Gus.”
“What’s that Reb?”
“I helped make the Statue of Freedom atop the Capitol.”

“The part of me that is US Secretary of War Jefferson Davis.”
“President Reb.”
“How did Jeff Davis make Freedom?”
“Design oversight.”
“As Secretary of War?”
“Sensing some irony here Johnny.”
“Me too.”
“He, I mean you, were this War Secretary Davis when?”
“That would be 1853 to ‘57.”
“Before the war.”
“Before the war.”

“A goddess does what Johnny?”
“Like Athena for Athens.”
“She was pivotal before Plato.”
“Plato replaced Athena?”
“And with Freedom you see a similarity to Athena.”
“Athena was a teacher of stratagem.”
“Freedom demands wit Gus.”
“Think, Speak and Act.”
“That’s the spirit.”
“Freedom and Johnny Reb.”
“They go together.”
“More than ever.”
*Next Up: 17 January and part 5 of Republican Values: Gus Kotka and Johnny Reb On Our Way Cowpens.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner