“… Leadership I suppose Gus.”
“Always a problem.”
“Why is leadership the problem for We the People now Johnny?”
“A new amendment to the Constitution by 2020 seems unlikely.”
“Thus We the People are shortening the time for dialogue.”
“So We the People are quickly moving toward only two paths to 2020.”
“The Constitution’s thirty Thousand.”
“And Article the first.”
“Which would complete the Bill of Rights and amend the representation ratio to 50,000.”
“There is a leadership vacuum Gus.”
“Time solves that problem.”
“I’m thinking of which path would be best Reb? The narrow or wider one?”
“Wider was George’s wish.”
“Becuz’ 30,000 better represents We the People than 50,000.”
“It’s a ratio.”
“More We the People, not less.”
“George would agree.”

“Where’d Cat go?”
“What Cat?”
“The Cat?”
“You say you saw a Cat Gus?”
“You know we did.”
“So Cat was a sign?”
“If in 2020 We the People are represented according to numbers, like the Constitution states, one for every thirty Thousand, then yes, Cat was a sign.”
“So where did Cat go Reb?”
“The Good Lord giveth …”
“… And the Good Lord taketh away.”
“We had the same grandpas.”
“I think so too.”
“Or at least they were reading the same book.”
“There was only one book Reb.”
“There are a lot more now Gus.”

“I imagine so.”
“Lots more.”
“Do we have to read them?”
“Others have already done so.”
“So we can use their knowledge, their learnings?”
“Sounds convenient.”
“It is overwhelming.”
“How so?”
“Too much clutter Gus.”
“We the People can’t see the forest for the trees.”
“Just like that.”
“So the way forward …”
“… Is to step back.”
“Back into constitutionalism.”
“Back into constitutionalism.”
“We got this Reb.”
“Agreed Yank.”
*Next Up: Sunday 22 October and Thereat part V, Gus Kotka and Johnny Reb On Our Way A Gain.
Posted by Bryan W. Brickner